Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Cake is a Lie !

If you haven’t gotten your hands on a copy of the Orange Box from Valve yet, Go do it right now if for nothing else the new game Portal. Admittedly the only reason I bought it was for Portal. The 50 dollar price tag is a small price to pay considering you get Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Team Fortress 2, and of Course Portal. Alright back to portal because I’ve only really only played a bit of all the other games. Portal for all of those who don’t know is a new game using the source engine. The Game is fairly simple as in you get a Portal gun that allows you to create entrance and exit portals on walls in your environment. You use this Gun to Solve Increasingly harder puzzles given to you by a mysterious robotic voice. That’s it! It may seem fairly boring from my description, but believe me its far from it, I basically sat down once I got it and played thought it in one sitting. The game actually has a story and retains the creepy feel of the Half-Life series making it seem almost as a side story of Half-Life. The downside to the game is the length, its not that long, but other than that it’s a near perfect game.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Breaking: Battlefield 3 Leaked Info

October 9th, 2007 by James Hyde

A tipster sent us PDF document which looked like an outline of features for Battlefield 3. The three page document is apparently prepared for investors which should get it by December of this year. It details basic features of BF3, and are as listed:

  • Release in late 2008
  • Powered by “Frostbite DX”
  • Set in year modern day (just like BF2, ed.)
  • Will ship with 8 maps, each supporting up to 40-players per team
  • Two playable factions, NATO and MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition)
  • Same “ticket-based” gameplay style as before
  • Maps are mostly urban, based in Middle East
  • Squads and Commanders are present, introduced are “Battalions” which consist of three to four squads.
  • Five playable classes; Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Medic and Support
  • Will feature 48 different vehicles (24 for each faction)
  • Will feature 34 different weapons (17 for each faction) and another 22 unlocks (for both factions), in total 56 different weapons.
  • Other unlocks include different types of ammunition, body armor, helmets, camouflage and accessories.
  • Possible public beta in “Summer 2008″
  • Online stats tracking, awards and “real world ranks”
  • “Soldier” feature, looks like MMO-styled characters and avatars
  • Ranked servers will be available for resellers weeks before the game ships (for testing, apparently, ed.)
  • In-game replay and recording feature
  • VoIP, friends list, in-game IM-client and “extensive clan support”
  • Built-in auto software updater (no more patches!, ed.)
  • Widows Vista and OS X (no XP?!, ed.)
  • Announcement and teaser trailer in January 2008.

A map is mentioned by name, called “Baghdad Burning”, and appears to be a massive urban map, similar to BF2’s very popular “Strike at Karkand”. The game is powered by “Frotbite DX”, currently the Frostbite engine is used in Battlefiled: Bad Company on PS3 and Xbox 360. The “DX” could refer to DirectX (10?), a PC version of the Frostbite engine.

Please note that none of this is confirmed, we’ve emailed a few people from EA and DICE (Battlefield developers) and will update the article as soon as we know more. Also note that we cannot, for obvious (legal) reasons, release the PDF document. Stay tuned for more info.

[Update 1] A few wanted to know if the document mentions in-game advertising, it does not, but wouldn’t be surprising, considering BF2142 had in-game advertising.

[Update 2] EA responded to the rumor with a “no comment” statement. Still waiting for a reply from DICE (which will probably be the same).

[Update 3] For clarification, the document doesn’t say that XP is not supported, it only lists Vista and OS X.

[Update 4] Further investigation reveals that EA DICE owns the domain “” (not so important, since it was registered in 2004, so was etc.). Still no reply from DICE. Stay tuned for further updates.

Source -

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More Music

Rilo Kiley - Under the Blacklight

I just picked up a copy of Rilo Kiley’s new album Under the Blacklight and it’s an excellent addition to the group’s already excellent discography. This album is a bit of a departure for Rilo Kiley and there folky feel. Same Jenny Lewis just a new twist on the instrumentals, the album incorporates a lot of catchy synth beats. Everything Jenny Lewis Does is excellent and this album is no exception. Now all we need is a second Postal Service CD.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

Nap Time

I took a two and a half hour nap today, as I am apt to on a Monday afternoon, and I had a crazy dream. Right before, I was doing some reading for class, and I was listening to Axis Bold as Love, by the great Jimi Hendrix. As I descended to tiredness, I added Pink Floyd's Animals album to the winamp playlist, and I laid down to sleep. During nap time, I dreamt that Pink Floyd had a concert at the Norva, and somehow, I procured tickets the day of it. I missed half the concert, because for some reason, I drove for five minutes, but was in Richmond. Now, I assume that the Pink Floyd influence came from the music I was listening to, but my lament was that they were playing only Dark Side of the Moon songs, which made no sense, since I was listening to Animals. After a while, I dreamt about aliens, thanks to the intro "EXP" on the Hendrix album. This is all really random for me, because I usually never dream either.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Nader more than just ‘Unreasonable’



Remember that great scene at the end of “A Few Good Men” when Col. Jessep, played by Jack Nicholson, rages in a courtroom about how troops sometimes must do ugly things to keep Americans sleeping soundly in their beds and out of harm’s way? “You want me on that wall!” he shouts. “You NEED me on that wall!”

Ralph Nader possesses neither the bombast nor the malevolence of a Jessep, but he, too, could issue the same proclamation. From the mid-1960s on, Nader has been a warrior against Big Business and Big Government whenever he saw them trampling on the rights, even the very lives, of average Americans. Yes, his manner can be abrasive, his dour intensity off-putting. But when you buckle a seatbelt or file a request under the Freedom of Information Act or breathe relatively fresh air thanks to the Clean Air Act, you should know that before any of those things were possible Ralph Nader got beaten and bloodied in the public arena to make them so.

The documentary “An Unreasonable Man” traces Nader’s trajectory from those early days, when his best-selling exposés about auto safety “Unsafe at Any Speed” made him a nationally known name, to his run for the presidency in 2000, which many Democrats believe cost Al Gore the White House. As one interviewee notes, the scope of his rise and fall — from white knight to scapegoat — takes on an almost Shakespearean dimension.

For two hours, a series of talking heads, including Nader himself, dissect the guy with the bad haircut and mortician’s wardrobe, creating a portrait of someone so driven by his essential purpose — to protect the interests of the average man and woman — that he has virtually no inner life. The public Nader and the private Nader are one and the same. Even his closest associates (does he have “friends”?) can’t recall their monkish leader ever going on a date or expressing much interest in anything other than his work. Some insist he has a surprisingly refined sense of humor, though clips of his awkward hosting stint on “Saturday Night Live” don’t provide much proof that the blood of a comedian pulses beneath his pallid hide.

With little room left for armchair psychology, directors Henriette Mantel and Steve Skrovan stick closely to the public record. This much the movie does prove: Nader is an absolute original, and in many ways a hero. His advocacy and persistence led to groundbreaking reforms that improved the health and safety of U.S. citizens. He tilted at giant corporate and government windmills, had his lance snapped time and again, then renewed the charge.

The last third of the movie details Nader’s 2000 presidential campaign. When Gore narrowly lost, Nader was vilified by many Democrats from pulling votes away from their candidate. The film includes interviews with several critics, who angrily accuse Nader of being solely responsible not only for Gore’s defeat but, subsequently, for every George Bush initiative in the last seven years, including the Iraq War.

The director gives equal time to Nader and his campaign manager who make a compelling case that other factors — including Gore’s defeat in his home state of Tennessee — had more to do with his loss. The valiant attempt at back-and-forth even-handedness goes on for much too long — it’s like watching a five-set tennis match played with verbal hand grenades.

Nader comes across as maddeningly likable, a little obtuse and no less motivated in his core mission despite his advancing years. We’re fortunate that for much of his career, he was able to scale the wall rather than run into it.

Source -

Friday, September 28, 2007

Music Recommendation Part Duex ...

Beck - The Information

This is another album I came across thanks to the free music downloading program Ruckus. Unlike They Might be Giants, Beck is an artist I am familiar with and have been listening to for a long wile now. Beck’s album Sea Changes is a favorite of mine, but The information is a large departure form the sound of Sea Changes. Unlike Sea Changes’ orchestral feel, The Information has a more synthesized feel giving it an almost hip-hop sound and feel. My two favorite songs so far are Think I’m in Love and Cellphone’s Dead. Cellphone’s Dead reminds of a song that should be in a Tony Hawk game soundtrack. So defiantly give this album a listen.
